In the Rulantica water world, the mascot Snorri takes guests on a journey to his home. For this adventure, guests dive underwater and experience virtual reality down there...

  • 38 seconds
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MACK Media

A whole new adventure awaits in Rulantica: Snorri Snorkling VR! In the only underwater VR experience in Europe, Snorri takes his guests to the bottom of the sea. Discover the fantastic underwater world surrounding the mysterious island of Rulantica with the Rulantica mascot and many other mythical creatures. The guests are not only underwater in virtual reality, they also dive down in the real world at the same time! The two Snorri Snorkling VR pools await adventure-seeking water lovers and can be found opposite the ‘Skog Lagoon’ area! For everyone from 10 years of age who can swim, it’s time to put on the VR diving goggles and snorkel and go off on a splashy adventure!
